Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I'm confuse..Are you? I don't believe in any of this..Do you?
I questioned myself but I got no answer.. Will I get it from you?
If yes, should I ask you? or will it be more confusing if I did?

Words can be deceiving..or is it obfuscated to derail the main idea?
Ahh.. these questions came from nowhere and maybe the answers are nowhere too..
Nowhere to be found..nowhere to ask from..
The confusion is just getting high and obsession is rising too..
You are confused too... right?

date: August 2009 (no exact date)

Friday, August 21, 2009

I loved you first

I don't know what exactly i was feeling at this moment. I found this on my notebook dated 03/17/09....funny..

I'm lost. my roads are not clear to me. I don't know why I should feel this way
when from the start, I already know that this is not fair.It is supposed to be something I could do for fun. Yes! it turns out funny..but I am the one being laughed LOVE.. I don not know if I should blame myself or blame the feelings that brought me to here. My mind, I should have used it but my emotions overpowered my thinking.